Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My last ever fall break

And so last week was the last fall break I will ever have (because I absolutely refuse to go back to school after this).  It was absolutely marvelous!!  (That is until I realized I should have done LOTS more studying for my musculoskeletal test Monday morning.  Oops.)  I was able to sleep in, bake, ride in the combine, see my horse, my dog, and most importantly my family :)  Patrick also flew back into Nebraska for the weekend. It couldn't have been any better.

And here are the pictures I know you're just dying to see.

Sunset on my drive back to Nebraska.
This was before I was pulled over.
 I guess it's illegal to drive for more than 5 seconds in the left lane in Missouri.

This is our bucket calf, Gigi! She follows you everywhere!

This is my beautiful horse, Gabby.
She definitely holds the honor of having the the most pictures in my phone. 

Doesn't the sky look amazing?!

This is our dog, Hallie.
Also known as: Boots, Puppy, Hallers, Shep Shep, and Puppy Paws.
She is usually very camera shy, so this picture is a gem.

One of my favorite things to do during my time home is play with Hallie.
 She loves to chase a basketball around.
She also recently got this whale toy that she LOVES to play with. 

I was able to go to Jill's volleyball game.  It's probably the last I will ever see her play.
She was a rockstar!
This picture cracks me up.

My specialty: lemon meringue pie.

This is Kara's horse, Stormie. (Also known as "Mister." (That needs to be said with a lisp.))
He's a little more rider friendly than Gabby.

This was Patrick's first time riding a horse.  He's a natural!

Looks like Matt Dillon, right?

Saturday was Kara's homecoming.  Didn't she just look gorgeous?

Saturday was also Jill's last band competition.  It was freezing, but amazing!
Their theme was Coldplay.  They played a great Viva La Vida.
This also marks the end of the Brichacek marching band era.
Stacey started marching band in 1998, and we've been going strong since then.

Can I just do last week over again?


  1. I really wish I could just kinda comment under ever picture! :) Love them.. but I think my favorite is the one of Gabby with the camera looking up at the sky... its like her nose is getting blown by the wind! :)

    1. Thanks! I just love how the sky looks in the back of that picture! I just love the pictures of Hallie too! We rarely get good ones!
