Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hasta La Vista, Barista

Yesterday was my last day working at the Target Starbucks.  I have been working there since April and will definitely miss being a barista.  I decided to stop working because it  was becoming pretty difficult to juggle with school.  I wasn't able to work at all during the school week, so that left only the weekend for work.  Between doing homework, school weekend activities, and getting to see my family and Patrick, it was hard to find time to work.  I'm moving in less than 2 months anyway (and this was the only way to NOT have to work Black Friday weekend).

What I will miss:
-all the nice people I met there
-making money
-Target team member discount
-making coffee for people!!

What I won't miss:
-Starbucks snobs ("I would like a triple grande vanilla latte, with half of the pumps of vanilla, 1/3 whole milk, 1/3 2% milk, and 1/3 skim milk, just a little whip cream, no foam, at 147 degrees, and a half a pump of chai....oh and I would like it right now.")
-trying to work around my schedule
-my horrible nails after using the sanitizer all day

The Pharmacist that works at Target (Michelle) found out that it was my last day yesterday so she bought me this cute coffee mug and gave me a card with it.  She is just the sweetest. I didn't know her very well, but she knew that I was in OT school and she would always ask me how school was going every time she saw me. I think we must have shared some kind of grad school bond.  Hopefully I get the chance to pass her kindness on someday.

P.S. I bet you can guess what I'm going to be for Halloween this year :)

Thanks for reading!


  1. Hahaha I would have told the Starbucks snob to go jump in a lake.
    PS If I had a blog, my next post would be titled, "Hasta la Vista, says the Barista to KC(ista)!"
