Saturday, March 22, 2014

#brickcampsister goes to San Diego

Last week was Sarah's and my last spring break ever.  We had to take advantage of this.  Stacey took a week off work and after much deliberating, we decided to take a trip to San Diego.  It was perfect.  The weather was so nice, our hotel was amazing, I finished two of the books on my "to read" list, we ate amazing food, and I came home slightly darker than when I went there.  Amazing, I tell you.  It was so nice to wear flip flops again, even if it was only for a little while.

We stayed at the Humphrey Half Moon Inn and this was our view from out patio.
Sarah and I were pretty excited about it.
And there were parrots at our hotel! 
After we got there, we took a little walk around the Island our hotel was on (Shelter Island...totally actually a peninsula, but you try telling the people living there) and found out we had some great views of the city.

The first day we went to a part of San Diego called "Old Town."  There was an amazing candy store next to our restaurant. 

So on day 2 (,and 3, and 4) we went to the beach.  Oh that glorious beach!  We went to the beach on Coronado Island right next to the Hotel Del Coronado (Also known to the locals and regulars as "The Del."  Anyone else think it's weird that the nickname means "The Of The?")  We spent the better parts of the afternoons sitting on the beach, looking around the hotel (which is supposedly haunted by the way), and getting our pretzels eaten by the birds on the beach.

On day 3, we drove to a beautiful place there called "La Jolla."  So beautiful.  These pictures do it absolutely no justice.   
There was a retirement home across from this view.  I guess I need to start saving.
"Mine" birds were everywhere. 
Here you can just come and hang out with the seals.
The baby seal (pup?) is waving at me! 

So. Many. Seals.
This may have been my favorite part of La Jolla.  It was a huge rock structure that had been beaten in by the water over time.  There were all of these little pools in it where tiny little fish were living.  It was so cool how the water would come and splash up onto the rocks.

An anemone!

And of course I couldn't leave without at least one cute bag.
Print of "The Del" and the crazy bridge you had to drive over to get there.
Neon and neutral clutch I fell in love with (Cotton On)

Can I just say that going on a trip with just your sisters is the best thing ever?  

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! I have been waiting to read about your trip! Looks like so much fun! We are definitely doing a weekend trip or two there. Looks like some cool places we need to add to our to-go list!
    Also, I love your new banner. Totally jealous!!
